About 60 people participated in the first Snow-O on Mt.-Royal Park. Runners were free to use either snowshoes or running shoes. The long course (men) had two winners, each of them completed the course in 44:15 minutes. Detailed results here.
Long: 6.1 Km, 25 controls
1. Francis Falardeau (Morin Heights, QC) 44:15
Ctibor Sysel (Prag, Czech Republic) 44:15
3. Thomas Kneubühler (Montreal QC) 49:14
1. Aurore Varela , 1:20:35
Short: 3,2 Km, 12 controls
1. Maxime Despots, 1:03:30
1. Johanna Karouby, 1:49:05
The Snow-O map: Controls 14 – 22 were “Route” Orienteering” (control locations are *not* shown on the map but there is a line that you can follow to find them).
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